The linked document’s file type has been changed since the last time it was placed. ¿ ¿ > Printing this item may produce unexpected results. Use the ‘Update’ or ‘Update all’ commands to update the publication. Use the ‘Info…’ dialog to find the document. This graphic cannot be printed in high resolution. This graphic cannot be printed in high resolution. It may be possible to re-link the graphic using the ‘Info…’ dialog. This graphic’s Metafile print image has not been translated to a PICT. > This items’s file name has not been translated. PC name: %s. PageMaker   Edit original The item requires object handler DLL(s). PageMaker cannot locate this item’s object handler DLL file. Install the server application for this item. $ %s object Aldus Internal Format Bitmap TIFF Rich Text Format PageMaker 5.0 Format Embedded Linked no yes MacPaint TIFF   Volume has been ejected. Volume not found. … K NA NA PC Text MAC Text PC Graphic MAC Graphic Text Graphic ? OV UN PB RM LM * ⌥ ◊ ∆ ⌥ ? The filter required to print this graphic is not installed. The publication does not contain a complete copy of the linked document. However, automatic updates have not been requested. This item is up to date. This item is not linked. Both the linked document and the publication’s copy have been modified. Using the ‘Update’ command will cause changes to the publication’s copy to be lost. The linked document has been modified since the last time it was placed. PageMaker cannot locate the linked document. Unknown Encapsulated PostScript Image Metafile PICT Text